
Bear LeVangie

Bear is the Executive Director and co-founder of Women’s Tree Climbing Workshop (WTCW). Through this organization, she uses her 25 years of experience to train people to safely climb trees and reach their potential in arboriculture. She has a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Montana, is an ISA TRAQ Arborist, Connecticut Licensed Arborist, American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor, Petzl Competent PPE Inspector, Yoga Alliance Certified Instructor (250 hrs), Massachusetts Qualified Tree Warden, Arborist Rope Splicer, Past President New England ISA, Past NE ISA TCC Champion, Past CT TCC Champion, Past ME, NH, and NY ITCC Competitor, and a Licensed Pesticide Applicator in MA, CT, and NY.

Melissa LeVangie-Ingersoll

As the co-founder and lead instructor of Women's Tree Climbing Workshop, Melissa adores sharing her love of trees and the skills she’s acquired over the last 29 years in the industry of arboriculture. Melissa is a passionate educator and her down to earth approach lends her subject matter expertise to be accessible by students, newbie to advanced people alike. She holds a Bachelor's Degree from University of Massachusetts in Forestry, as well as TRAQ ISA Certified Arborist, Massachusetts Certified Arborist, NH Certified Arborist, American Red Cross Instructor, Petzl Certified PPE Competent, and EHAP Certified.

Location Information

  • Texas State University Camp
  • 1000 University Rd, Wimberley, TX, 78676 US

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