The threat wildfire poses to residents of Texas increases everyday as more communities are built in natural areas. Recent fire seasons have seen increasing property loss and death associated with wildfire. We know that it is not a question of if a fire will start, but when. As professionals who have daily interaction with the public, arborists can reduce wildfire risk and protect lives, homes and landscapes. When homes and their surrounding property are protected, ecosystem benefits at threat from wildfire can be protected as well.
As an ISA Certified Arborist, have you considered how your skills and experience can improve the safety and quality of tree care to protect Texans and ecosystems from wildfire? By taking the Wildfire Risk Assessment Qualification course, you will become more knowledgeable about how to evaluate and mitigate property from the threat wildfire poses.
The Texas A&M Forest Service and Texas Chapter ISA have developed this qualification to introduce you to new terms and principles to incorporate into your arboriculture practice. You will explore how wildfire moves through a landscape and mitigation options you could perform or bring to the attention of your client. This course will be limited to 25 ISA Certified Arborists and we will conduct field exercise on homes near the training center. A written exam and field test will need to be successfully passed to gain the credential. Total course time will be 16 hours, with four hours dedicated to the examination on Thursday afternoon.
Each participant that successfully completes the course and passes the assessment will receive the status of Wildfire Risk Reduction Qualified. Their qualification will be noted on the ISA Texas website as well as on any handout and other materials referencing qualified individuals.
The course is limited to 25 people and lunch will be provided both days.
Wednesday, April 30
8:00-8:45 Introduction and Logistics - Instructor and student introductions. Instructor will complete the course overview and logistics.
8:45-9:15 Role of the Arborist - Basics of how to add wildfire risk reduction services to the arborist toolbox.
9:15-9:25 Break
9:30-10:45 Past and Present of Wildfire - Subjects covered will include the history of fire suppression in the United States, the wildland urban interface, Texas ecoregions, and fire effects on ecosystems.
10:45 -11:30 Fire Ecology and Physics - Students will gain an understanding of fire dependence, history and regimes. This section details how existing vegetation, weather, topography influence fire behavior.
11:30-12:30 Lunch (provided)
12:30-1:30 Fire Ecology and Physics (continued)
1:30-1:40 Break
1:40- 2:15: Field Session- How Fire Moves through the Landscape - A field discussion on fire ecology and weather. This section covers how weather, topography and fuels influence the intensity, severity and movement of fire in various landscapes. In addition, covers how human structures influence and can be damaged by fire.
2:20-5:00 Vegetation Management, Hazard Assessment and Risk Reduction - Unit will cover the Home Ignition Zone (HIZ) concept, including ember intrusion, fire resistant construction and landscaping, and an assessment of a home. Students will learn how to assess and manage fire risk in rural, suburban and urban landscapes.
Thursday, May 1
8:00- 8:15 Questions
8:15-9:00 Activity: Home Ignition Zone Assessment
9:00-9:15 Break
9:15-11:00 Field Demonstration for Wildfire Hazard Awareness and Risk Reduction - Continuation of the indoor discussion in order to assess and mitigate wildfire risk. Students will use the Home Ignition Zone Assessment Form.
11:15-12:00 Regulations and Resources - Students will gain an understanding of the BMPs covering shaded fuel breaks and regulations on landscape features like aquifer recharge areas, streamside management zones, local tree ordinances, protected wildlife, and other sensitive areas. Marketing of vegetation mitigation projects into your business will be discussed.
12:00-1:00 Lunch (provided)
1:00-1:30 Final Questions and Review
1:30-2:00 Written Exam - Exam is 50 questions. When students have turned in their written exam, they will receive a Course Evaluation form to be completed and turned in.
2:00-2:15 Break
2:15 -4:00 Qualification Testing - Successful completion of an HIZ assessment and a risk assessment mitigation plan will gain the student credit for this course.
4:00-5:00 Closing - Review test results and discuss the final field activity.
- Certified Arborist 9
- BCMA - Management 9
- Utility Specialist 9
- TW Climber Specialist 9
- TW Aerial Lift Specialist 9
Course Pricing
- ISAT member: $275.00 USD
- Non-ISAT member: $350.00 USD
Member pricing is an exclusive benefit to ISAT members only. You must be a current ISAT member at the time of registration. (Click Here to renew)
Cancellation Policy
A processing fee of $50 USD will be charged for all cancellations received on or before April 24, 2025. Cancellations after April 24, 2025, will be charged the full amount of the registration fee. Cancellation requests must be emailed to [email protected].